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Elly Amiri

Elly Amiri
Business Development Manager

Elly Amiri is a multi-talented Business Development Manager with a strong ethic and a passion to deliver quality services to his clients. With high discipline and a professional approach, Elly works around the clock to deliver the desired outcome.

As a natural people person, Elly enjoys meeting new people and socializing, making him an asset at Zed Real Estate. Elly has worked as a football coach for the Football Federation Victoria, where his dedication and commitment to hard work inspired and motivated those around him.

For five years, Elly worked in retail management. His transferable retail background equipped Elly with qualities such as punctuality, friendliness, and professionalism. Elly is dedicated to achieving results and is well-trained by experienced rental managers, making him well-equipped to take on his current role at Zed real estate.

At Zed Real Estate, Elly continues to demonstrate his commitment to hard work and his love of helping others. With his strong communication skills and ability to effectively manage rental providers and renters, Elly is an asset to the organization and is well-respected by his colleagues and clients alike.